Warning!!! Pedophile Released
Theatrical Release Oct. 16, 2009 DVD Release Dec. 8, 2009
Length 115 Minutes (Final Cut), 96 Minutes (Theatrical Version) Distributors E1 Entertainment/Cinema Epoch (North America), Wild Eye Releasing (International Sales Rep). Starring Kai Lanette, Shane Ryan, Molly Wryn, Joanna Angel Director, Camera, Editor Shane Ryan Writers Kai Lanette, Shane Ryan Producers Sean Cain, Jeremy Williams |
An 18 year old boy is given a six year prison term for his relationship with a 12 year old girl, who spirals down a sordid path of self-destruction when her "soul mate" is thrown behind bars. They claimed that their relationship was innocent, and that the only intimate physical contact they ever shared was a kiss. When he's sent to prison, she vows to wait for him. But life on the outside is even tougher than it is on the inside, and in time she turns to drugs and prostitution in order to survive. -Synopsis written by Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
An 18 year old boy is given a six year prison term for his relationship with a 12 year old girl, who spirals down a sordid path of self-destruction when her "soul mate" is thrown behind bars. They claimed that their relationship was innocent, and that the only intimate physical contact they ever shared was a kiss. When he's sent to prison, she vows to wait for him. But life on the outside is even tougher than it is on the inside, and in time she turns to drugs and prostitution in order to survive. -Synopsis written by Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Poster Explorations
-2009 Theatrical Release, Laemmle Theatres (Los Angeles, CA)
-2012 Porn Film Festival Berlin (Germany)
-Shane Ryan speaks with [re]searchmytrash and The Last Picture Blog
-Kai Lanette speak with [re]searchmytrash
-Year End Best of and DVD Buying Guide 2009 Killing Boxx ranked #1
"A vivid tale of innocence lost...an ambitious and powerful experimental film...It is a strikingly visual, deliberately fragmented work of evocative imagery counterpointed by a remarkably effective use of richly varied music. The first two parts, which have a gritty, rambling poetic quality and little dialogue, give way to an explosive final chapter...Lanette and Ryan have created a minimalist work of maximum impact." -Los Angeles Times
"one gut-churning emotional experience...a near masterpiece" -Daniel Reed, TLA Video
"Though its oddly punctuated title may denote a grimy exploitation piece, Shane Ryan’s [film] is a much stranger animal...noble...artful...moments of surprising resonance...Opening with the horrific gang rape of a 15-year-old girl, the pic settles into an unexpectedly soothing rhythm...a genuinely haunting portrait of the peaceful manner in which some people respond to terrible violence" -Variety
"A very powerful and compelling drama...tells its story in a series of greatly set-in-scene, atmospheric images and a rich cinematic language which manage to tell the film's story without the use of much dialogue - all of which make it hard to find anything similar in modern cinema, as this film is more reminiscent of the neorealist movement from decades ago than anything else...a true work of art" -[re]searchmytrash
"a very provocative movie...visually accomplished...voyeuristic...quite disturbing to watch" -Fanatisk Film
"a big impact, it made me question pedophilia with additional considerations, the difference between accused and guilty, and what happens to the accused afterwards. I believe a good story not only tells a story but makes you think/reflect about it afterwards and this works." -Fulvue Drive-in
"great cinematography...amazing shots" -Movies Made Me
"it is quite a relief that in Warning!!! Pedophile Released Ryan shows he isn't a degenerate with a video camera. Indeed, it's evident he's got an eye for visual compositions as well as a willingness to exercise restraint when it comes to some heavy material...In case you haven't guessed yet, this is not a cheerful movie. The entire point of the exercise is to show how much these characters suffer because of society's coldness to their love for each other. Their suffering isn't trivial, clichéd humiliations either. No one shoves Echo's head into a toilet, for example, but watching her freeze in a parking lot or spend a long day aimlessly wandering can be a pitiful sight too. The story by Ryan and Lanette seems too gritty and grounded to be merely made up. I wonder what part of Echo's story is drawn from intimate knowledge? Are the filmmakers revealing something deeper about youth who end up on the streets? While watching the movie I couldn't shake the feeling that I really hope this is all fiction. The sadness and despair on display is that affecting at times." -DVD Verdict
"very gritty...a riveting finish...so powerful. You slowly watch as this young girl goes from having a bad home life to living on the streets to finally doing drugs and turning tricks for money. The most disturbing thing about it all is this sort of thing happens everyday which is pretty scary for any parent...I highly recommend checking this out, it is certainly a powerful film that leaves a lasting impression long after it is over...one of the most original pieces of work I have seen in some time...it is as captivating as it is shocking." -Video Views
"the absurd beauty of a Harmony Korine film...the emotion and heart is inarguably present. Crafted under the able hands of one-man wrecking crew, Shane Ryan...the film creates an unabashed look into street life and what it’s like to be a vulnerable girl in a dangerous world" -Sound on Sight
"disturbed teens, real tragedy & raw emotion that's more Larry Clark than Larry Cohen" -LAist
"it‘s own unique atmosphere...the musical score is unbelievably remarkable, each track works spot on with the scene it’s presented in. The cinematography was very original in the sense that it’s a combinational style I have never seen on screen before...Shane Ryan is without a doubt one of the most peculiar filmmakers I’ve come across in a quite awhile" -TCW Reviews
"Lanette's performance is...easily the film's brightest spot. She does a healthy job reflecting just how drastic sexual abuse can be, and how its after effects can be just as disheartening. We aren't made to feel sorry for her, but instead just get forced to watch her life implode and disintegrate. She bathes using filthy gas station bathroom sink and toilet water, urinates in the woods, sleeps under bridges and on discarded furniture, and finds some refuge in playing her guitar. Her desperation is very tangible and evident" -Movie Metropolis
"very impressive...performances in this film were spectacular. I especially enjoyed the acting of Ryan and thought he played this part with great emotion that made him very believable as this character...really moving and horrific...I highly recommend this film...This is a good movie, very emotional, and really makes you think, which are attributes that are missing from many of today's films." -Hayes Hudson's House of Horror
"Some of these montages look quite amazing, characters rendering real emotion while dilapidated buildings and Smalltown USA vistas pass by in the background." -DVD Talk
"Kai Lanette gives a raw and brave performance as Echo. She is violated and exposed throughout the piece, but never seems a victim, more a survivor...Shane Ryan also turns in an impressive performance. Malachi is a damaged human being that has been through hell. Ryan makes him believable and, more importantly, sympathetic. These two throw their all into the performances and it shows." -Film Fanaddict
"Shane Ryan...[has] created an unsettling, thought provoking, minimalist and visually/aurally striking movie that grabs you by the guts and won’t let go. The direction and cinematography work hand-in-hand with the editing...Kai Lanette is haunting as the tortured Echo. I want to give her a big hug and tell her everything is going to be okay just thinking about her in the movie. She is fucking brilliant...[however] I will probably never watch [this film] again. It’s just too fucking real and emotional. Too wrenching and harsh..I still can’t get some of the scenes out of my head." -Cinesploitation
-2009 Theatrical Release, Laemmle Theatres (Los Angeles, CA)
-2012 Porn Film Festival Berlin (Germany)
-Shane Ryan speaks with [re]searchmytrash and The Last Picture Blog
-Kai Lanette speak with [re]searchmytrash
-Year End Best of and DVD Buying Guide 2009 Killing Boxx ranked #1
"A vivid tale of innocence lost...an ambitious and powerful experimental film...It is a strikingly visual, deliberately fragmented work of evocative imagery counterpointed by a remarkably effective use of richly varied music. The first two parts, which have a gritty, rambling poetic quality and little dialogue, give way to an explosive final chapter...Lanette and Ryan have created a minimalist work of maximum impact." -Los Angeles Times
"one gut-churning emotional experience...a near masterpiece" -Daniel Reed, TLA Video
"Though its oddly punctuated title may denote a grimy exploitation piece, Shane Ryan’s [film] is a much stranger animal...noble...artful...moments of surprising resonance...Opening with the horrific gang rape of a 15-year-old girl, the pic settles into an unexpectedly soothing rhythm...a genuinely haunting portrait of the peaceful manner in which some people respond to terrible violence" -Variety
"A very powerful and compelling drama...tells its story in a series of greatly set-in-scene, atmospheric images and a rich cinematic language which manage to tell the film's story without the use of much dialogue - all of which make it hard to find anything similar in modern cinema, as this film is more reminiscent of the neorealist movement from decades ago than anything else...a true work of art" -[re]searchmytrash
"a very provocative movie...visually accomplished...voyeuristic...quite disturbing to watch" -Fanatisk Film
"a big impact, it made me question pedophilia with additional considerations, the difference between accused and guilty, and what happens to the accused afterwards. I believe a good story not only tells a story but makes you think/reflect about it afterwards and this works." -Fulvue Drive-in
"great cinematography...amazing shots" -Movies Made Me
"it is quite a relief that in Warning!!! Pedophile Released Ryan shows he isn't a degenerate with a video camera. Indeed, it's evident he's got an eye for visual compositions as well as a willingness to exercise restraint when it comes to some heavy material...In case you haven't guessed yet, this is not a cheerful movie. The entire point of the exercise is to show how much these characters suffer because of society's coldness to their love for each other. Their suffering isn't trivial, clichéd humiliations either. No one shoves Echo's head into a toilet, for example, but watching her freeze in a parking lot or spend a long day aimlessly wandering can be a pitiful sight too. The story by Ryan and Lanette seems too gritty and grounded to be merely made up. I wonder what part of Echo's story is drawn from intimate knowledge? Are the filmmakers revealing something deeper about youth who end up on the streets? While watching the movie I couldn't shake the feeling that I really hope this is all fiction. The sadness and despair on display is that affecting at times." -DVD Verdict
"very gritty...a riveting finish...so powerful. You slowly watch as this young girl goes from having a bad home life to living on the streets to finally doing drugs and turning tricks for money. The most disturbing thing about it all is this sort of thing happens everyday which is pretty scary for any parent...I highly recommend checking this out, it is certainly a powerful film that leaves a lasting impression long after it is over...one of the most original pieces of work I have seen in some time...it is as captivating as it is shocking." -Video Views
"the absurd beauty of a Harmony Korine film...the emotion and heart is inarguably present. Crafted under the able hands of one-man wrecking crew, Shane Ryan...the film creates an unabashed look into street life and what it’s like to be a vulnerable girl in a dangerous world" -Sound on Sight
"disturbed teens, real tragedy & raw emotion that's more Larry Clark than Larry Cohen" -LAist
"it‘s own unique atmosphere...the musical score is unbelievably remarkable, each track works spot on with the scene it’s presented in. The cinematography was very original in the sense that it’s a combinational style I have never seen on screen before...Shane Ryan is without a doubt one of the most peculiar filmmakers I’ve come across in a quite awhile" -TCW Reviews
"Lanette's performance is...easily the film's brightest spot. She does a healthy job reflecting just how drastic sexual abuse can be, and how its after effects can be just as disheartening. We aren't made to feel sorry for her, but instead just get forced to watch her life implode and disintegrate. She bathes using filthy gas station bathroom sink and toilet water, urinates in the woods, sleeps under bridges and on discarded furniture, and finds some refuge in playing her guitar. Her desperation is very tangible and evident" -Movie Metropolis
"very impressive...performances in this film were spectacular. I especially enjoyed the acting of Ryan and thought he played this part with great emotion that made him very believable as this character...really moving and horrific...I highly recommend this film...This is a good movie, very emotional, and really makes you think, which are attributes that are missing from many of today's films." -Hayes Hudson's House of Horror
"Some of these montages look quite amazing, characters rendering real emotion while dilapidated buildings and Smalltown USA vistas pass by in the background." -DVD Talk
"Kai Lanette gives a raw and brave performance as Echo. She is violated and exposed throughout the piece, but never seems a victim, more a survivor...Shane Ryan also turns in an impressive performance. Malachi is a damaged human being that has been through hell. Ryan makes him believable and, more importantly, sympathetic. These two throw their all into the performances and it shows." -Film Fanaddict
"Shane Ryan...[has] created an unsettling, thought provoking, minimalist and visually/aurally striking movie that grabs you by the guts and won’t let go. The direction and cinematography work hand-in-hand with the editing...Kai Lanette is haunting as the tortured Echo. I want to give her a big hug and tell her everything is going to be okay just thinking about her in the movie. She is fucking brilliant...[however] I will probably never watch [this film] again. It’s just too fucking real and emotional. Too wrenching and harsh..I still can’t get some of the scenes out of my head." -Cinesploitation